Firefly, one that get away

One that get away, sounds like Katy Perry song which I just listened to. Talking about her, she is brilliant to write those kinda songs. One that ear catchy and fit to the beat. Does she ever seen firefly?

Let me recall my kiddos favorito hang out activities... The last time I was able to play with firefly and grass hopper...such a long time ago. I guess, it was like more than 20 years ago. When I was a cute kiddo (ps. am still cute up till now ha-ha) and still living my innocent-happy life in my tiny village. I used to have quite a big pond with devastating grassy fields next to them.

That was my fave place to catch the fish. I was not fishing with proper equipment anyway.So the village where I used to live has few rivers crossing over the area and the farmers used it for irrigating their paddy fields. Nearly every rainy seasons, flood might hit our village.  Everytime the village hit by flood, it carried small fish and when the water gone..some of them were still remain left on the pond. That's the best time to fetch those fish! you wont believe that I catch them with a plastic bowl!! haha... so I jumped into the ponds with barefoot and took a big plastic bowl on my hand and a tiny bucket next to the pond to put the fish. I did not eat them, instead I put them into my handmade pond in the garden. It was quite a lot, more than 20 fish, I believe.

Well, the ponds are gone, so does the fish and the garden too...It is a public road now.Then, my long lost firefly. where they are nowadays?

Back then I was able to play outside into paddy fields, fly up a tiny kite, secretly taking a bath at the mom might nagging me if she knew it..and catching the firefly. Well, honestly speaking I am afraid of insect. But the light came out from the firefly had put me a great interest to catch them and keeping them inside my tiny two hands. I guess, I was thinking back then, "Where did they got the lights? Are they carrying electricity everywhere?" silly mind...

I was told, once, that keeping a firefly inside a bottle is like a treasure and it might the same as keeping a star with you. Howdyyy...if I played out with the other kids, I could catch few fireflies...and I have few stars with me. Where are you now? I've been longing for so long to have another rendezvous with you! My deary long-lost star, will you come over to fetch me and take me with you to fly over the night sky and see the real shooting stars?


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