Cloud nine, take me there!

Right, so its November and I simply need to wind up my mood! No pressure, no tense, no saving, haha pitty me, nothing..just feel like going to the cloud number nine and rejuvenate..

I have not been able to have a proper breakaway time for myself. Just a day or to for spoiling myself.
i have been working from 8 to 9 with Sunday off since early this year. Sunday just enough for washing and sleeping all day long.
goosh.. how long has it been since the last time I had a proper vacation?
No end year bonus. nothing can boost my mood at the moment. deary my state of just bored with your routines!

yesterday i wander around the beach for moment and since it was dark and I am only by myself, I rather afraid to be there alone. But anyway, i've been missing the breeze sunset air near the beach. it's been months I have not been able to enjoy the sun goes down. To be able to see the dusk and frame the moment with a bottle of juice will be veryyy nice! 


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