Welcoming the 26th club!

Hello… bachelor me!  
And you? 
Whats on your mind about being 20 something years old? Myself will turning 26 this month. 
For Asian..I guess that would be somewhat called…into a mature age? Geesh honestly everytime I looked down on my ID card, I dont really get the numbers, I still feel like in early 20s…I know, some peeps think that age doesn’t matter. Ditto..in a certain point of view, think that real life begins at 30.. a phase that I might  see something differently and wisely. So a person in my age might worried of marriage that kind of life… I did actually, in my early 20s had a thought of settling my love life at an early age. But God must have known what I need. It turned out differently, and here I am now.. still enjoying of finding answer of my passion really want to do… thanks God I live far away from my family so that I could avoid the question of-when-you’ll-find-yourself-a-husband? And most women, I guess, think that 27 is a perfect age to end the bachelorhood life.

I know…most of my folks might busy in finding a fiancée or wifey and hubby to be… but honestly, does a marriage need to be targeted at certain age? No hurries peeps, no offend..lets chill a bit and rest the pressure (if you think your married folks makes you frustrated of being a bachelor). But then I asked myself... 'Do I really want that ‘life’'? Just because most of my folks are settling their love life, doesn’t mean that it make me had a restless night…I want it, indeed! But when I am fully ready to settle down my life, regardless those folks marriage whisper keep turning around my head. Being a happy bachelor at 26 won’t happen twice. No regrets, no pressure and I’m happily graceful beyond all.

For me, settling my life in a marriage life at hurry purpose and 'momentum happiness' is really silly. The life itself, if God give you a long age...... is still a long way to go.. and that’s very possible to grow yourself within the time beings. Thus, hurry myself into a-wifey-to-be-life doesn’t make me a mature person either! 
There’s no such wonderful things in this life than getting marry when a couple is fully ready at both side.  Materially and spiritually


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