Lovely Soothing Addiction

am not addicted to drugs! Am addicted to float-my-body-on-the-ocean-and-coral-and-school of fish........

As far as I can say, am not that good at swimming, rather afraid to swim on a more than 2 meters most of the time I swim fastly to reach the finishing point. A fella was mocking me at a day telling me to swim and float on a two meters depth pool, because thats the basic of swimming, he acclaimed. Alrite..but still am just too paranoia to do it..knowing that my body length is only 5.2 feet. petite huh? that make me paranoia in between taking a proper breath with water over my head and realizing that my tiptoe unable to reach the pool of bottom floor....lmfao..u might laugh as hard as you want! 

So the premier experience to snorkel was last December in Komodo...honestly I always afraid to swim on a beach. And I made an innocent announcement to my travel-buddy that time, 'Does anybody willing to accompany me snorkel down there? as a first timer, i totally nervous!' and there you go, I got a volunteer .... and I nearly drunk a litter of sea water as I forgot to keep my mouth close and the panic rose up my mind that I automatically reach my travelmate which was apparently touched his butt...ooopsss....I didnt mean!! Exciting tendency was there. an isolated world with you and the ocean life...that just breathtaking!

Snorkeling is easier without life jacket! I can say...Just kick and float out farther and blend with the school of fish! Exclaiming the wonders and luring corals beheld on below is just really soothing my mind. Really eerie that you only hear the water splashing from your feet and your heart beat. Different world under the waves.

Last new year spent in Lovina was the second one. Coral is not as colorful as Komodo but there was zillion of fish waving hi and bye to me! Too bad I did not spent that much time as the  snorkeling gear was not that comfy ...... the glasses wasnt that fit on my head that made the water pouring inside.... and the wave was rather big than normally.

I had to reach back and forth the small boat waiting us to snorkel...and I could feel ache on my hand as I was holding tightly onto the boat few times..Thats when I think that I need to do some muscle exercise...

Then as I curious on having personal snorkeling gear (as if Im gonna do it regularly...haha...), I made a trip to a shop later and found out how expensive the gear would be! loorrrrdd heavenn....the glass....special shoes called cost almost a hundred dollar, even more for the fancier shape!

The fins..which has a so pricey. the full foot fins and open heel has totally different price. I havent tried to snorkel without fins. But fins are designed to make it easier to maneuver through water, so I assumed that it will take more effort to move with bare legs. Beginners like me may find the legs tiring out more quickly than I expect with fins on. Heard that fins with longer and more rigid blades take more effort to swim in, so beginner divers are encouraged to use smaller, more flexible fins.

And it cumbersome as well as awkward to walk around on land with the fins on. You may prefer to enter the water backwards to make it easier to walk into the surf...else they might called you frog prince with the fins on! 
Wonder when I'll be able to snorkel again at soon? 
anybody want to donate the gear? I'll be more than happy to have it.................. ^^


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