Meet the Dolphins!

I know that Dolphin is cute...but to be able to witnessed a bunch of them swimming freely on the ocean just make my hurt thumping a bit hard...they definitely so adorable!

A small boat called 'Jukung' which fit maximum five or six people including the boatmen can take you to fishing out the dolphins. The boatmen said that watching dolphins on Lovina Bay is more like fishing. You need to search them all around and they basically love to be 'out' early morning when the sun goes up. Exactly 6am the boat departing from Lovina Beach. Bare foot walking on the black sandy beach and admiring the mountain view background. Sky is a bit clumsy as rain just stop early this morning. The boatmen push our boat ride up front into the water..whoooaaa...he's so strong. He's been a fisherman for more than 15 years of his life...

20 minutes eyes stunned on the boat rows waiting for a miraculous moment to meet the dolphins..that just too crowded I guess. Its new year peeps must have been planning to go here. My mind has been thinking of something silly..what if the dolphins are just too shy to come out as there are dozen of Jukung boats down here...

And here they are....they finally exposed themselves..but within seconds they gone inside the ocean as those boats are boating after them here and there...

I've heard once that Dolphins in the wild will seek out humans and surf alongside boats just for play. So then, this has been proved! there were lods of tiny boats and even-though they came in and out within split of seconds, it just made me love them more.... Heard that Dolphins love to ride big waves with surfers.I dont really see this scene here. Lovina wave is rather lazy and make it a good snorkeling spot than surfing.  I've no idea if many dolphins will sleep with one eye open just below the surface of the water and they cannot drink sea water and they breathe air. Now thats funny! If only they can talk..I definitely will bring lots of mineral water for them

I've seen dolphin movies..not that much but I think the Dolphins are very social. They normally living their whole lives in groups called pods and amazingly can swim up to 260 m. below the surface of the ocean, although they are mainly shallow divers. 260 meters..geeeezzz...I'll freaking out swimming on a 2meters depth pool...

Too bad, I did not happen to make a jumping dolphin just to crowded...whenever they appear, those boats will run after them and I feel like shouting on them asking to lower the machine sounds..which I found it too loud and might made them afraid..but all in all..I wish to meet them again..pods of them...someday...


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