Fly away my Dandelion

I am waving goodbye to October and I don't even have a dandelion to be given a farewell bid!
But I do have a zillion dandelions on my head. Back to 15 years ago, I used to walk around the village where I used to live and simply pull over any dandelion I saw and collect them into my arms.. I loveee to blow over them into the sky and jump freely to catch them again as if they ran away from me..

I hardly seen any dandelion here and I just realized how I missed the old me blowing the dandelion. The feeling to jump high and laugh out loud..

Now I feel like having a full bag of dandelion and blow them over the beach. It would be fun though. And those Dandelion is for welcoming November. October nearly gone and I'll have another chapter to write on. What have I done the past month? I am a month older anyway. does it count? am happy to be around my sister, though we dont have that much to talk as we are busy with our own life. Unfortunate me, I am feeling more distance with my fam. Barely called them though and I dont even know what to share after my last message telling my unfortunate story.
November, be good to full of the fullest! treat me well and I promised to be a good girl! ^^


  1. punten numpang lewat...

    dandelion teh nama indonesia resmi nya apa yah... salju2an dl mah blgnya :D

  2. apa yaa...dulu suka bilang bulu babi hihi..ngarang..


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