The hardest 30 Minutes ever

1 – 1000000…..
Done counting


A – z….
Done spelling

Turn my back and front
Sweating and grinning and holding a long breath

No, I was not doing exercise. 

But it was absolutely the hardest 30 minutes in my life. Can you guest? It’s a bit shame but that’s how my body react to everything I was consumed each and every day. When I eat proper fiber as veggies and fruits I will definitely have normal digestion nearly like everyday. Happily like every early morning. Its been five days where I was only eating anything excluding veggies and fruits. But I think I ate quite spicy foods that I was surely think that it will trigger my digestion.

And this happened since yesterday, which was very unfortunate one. I had to turn back my strength which has been pulled out and it simply wont came out. Shoottt…embarrassing but, I feel soooo bad for the whole night. Then as for today, I just had a horrible 30 minutes, that I was thinking to give up… but I know if I give up, the rest of my day will be heavily awful. It’s sucks!!!! 

And after all of that sweat and grinning…God must have pitied me up there! I finally made it!!!!!  My f*****n lord…….holllyyyy…..I love u!!


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