Weight Chronicle

Just paid a visit to a medical center early today and did regular check which cost me a shock. Shitttyyyy...that was a way too pricey!

Right on ..... I cant help but giggling and screaming on my head!

Well just realized that Im at loss. Am I on a weight loss plateau when the doctor told me that Im at my 42kgs?

Its actually fine anyway...
I feel very healthy phisically and  I didnt do it on purpose though. Just maintaining on working out and eating less in frequent times habit and sleep enough as normal.

Speaking of which ... The challenge is..I've been upside down on my weight, I did once at 48 kgs and been down to 39kgs too....
Not that Im afraid being a fatty. But I feel so much healthier when Im at my proportional weight and keep my body working out on a regular basis. I dont think much about eaten calories.....  I have to be grateful of having a habit in eating frequently on a small portion. Hence, my fave of the week is eating ice cream and chocolate. I am like .... eating them at least three times a week. But, The last 5 months, I've been instantly telling myself to work out as my back always complaining having a back-pain. I've encountered having migraine at least few times a month, which is seriously painful. So after making jogging and Samba work out as my additional habbits, life feels a way better.

Seriously... I feel a way much lighter and positive.... at least positive outlook. And my migraine is less happening lately. Y'all stay healthy too! Dont ignore calorie, they all actually good friends, but look inside and burn them at the same time. In a way, do your fave exercise to get rid bad fatty...
You'll feel much better...inside out...  


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