The lovely dovey Golden Hours

Am about to waffle about one of my hobbies with the camera. I've been with her for more than 4 years..she's a star. I am no pro whose ignoring the rules to be a manual camera user. My DSLR knows me so well..I've been using automatic mode all this while. I did few times trying to be a manual user but somehow it made me loosing my moments and the ambiance for shooting at the right time. It aint that instead, I mostly use automatic one..

And the golden hours meaning on the certain moments of dusk and down. Precisely when the sky seems into orange and light red color. How i love staring at the sky at those moments. I might lost in times. and daydreaming of nothing. The time when I put it into photograph just felt so exquisite. to be able to witnessed the magic hour is priceless. Sometimes I use tripod or back to old school style--holding my breath to capture the stable result. Shooting panoramic or another subject will most probably better if we do it at this hour as well. It might bring a 'warm' touch on the images rather than doing it at midday.

Anyway, most of the time I am to lazy to carry the tripod anywhere so instead holding breath is most probably helpful. Well, side note for me, I keep on shooting like between few seconds as the light might changing dramatically. Indeed out of hundreds images which have been taken, only few images would be stand out with most perfect proportion and angle....


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