Cherish the gift to learn

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” 

Praise be with Allah, I am finally back on my long lost passion. Insha'Allah, I'll started to write again. Either short or long. A word or hundreds. Visual or story telling. I vow to share little knowledge that I have. A fruitful one. 

Looking back, I cherished every chronicles of moments I have encountered with. And I value those good and bad time.  I vow myself to learn again, embracing gift of god, and I am happy that I tried to make it. 

It took me so long to make a point of return. Contemplating those little pieces. 
At least now I can see things from the clearer side, its not that every day it is sunny or raining. Both I tried to cherish them. 

For God has created each one of us, for good reason. It is up to us who decide, whether we want to paint the canvas beautifully or blankly.

For every second I have lived from now on, reborn-ing myself into a better moslem. I'd like to be content just for I have. 

'And He found you LOST. And He guided you...' (Al Qur'an 93:7)

Here is to this day ... Alhamdolellah.. xoxo


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