Hey me, Thought Up Please!

I missed this tiny lil sanctuary where I could have indulged in letters and words and blurting out of nowhere about nothing...he-he

Been swamped with work loads..which actually did not that much but the work timing is such a total killer. Despite the fact that i feel like an alien in the company, well..not that alien kind of thing, its just there is sometime when I feel so low being stand on my own when nobody speaks my own language. Sounds cool heh?

Speaking about nowhere things. Lemme tell you few recaps. I met few cool new pals which I just acidentally found out of nowhere. Been trying to occupied my off days with random things that I thought will make me feel somehow OK. Honestly speaking, at the end of the day its more like a camouflage. Knowing that I hate to think that Im gonna sit or kneel down on my tony bed and thinking about silly things that would eat my brain and my feeling for no reason. So I started to look for outdoor agenda that catch my interest. Like the other day where I actually just slept around 3 in the morning and since I am actually a morning person, I managed to get up at 9am, get ready and just went to an exhibition center with my camera. Dubai Peace exhibition was not as cool as I thought but the respond I read over FB was so massive that I think I should go there. Then I made up my mind that I should at least see myself how was the exhibition look like. Honestly, it was not that wow..the layout kind of boring. Despite that fact that it the venue is soo massive and I feel so bad to see such a waste of space with (sorryyy) dull decoration...

And I met another moslem covered girl which is a year younger than me...shooottt..yeah but I love when she said I am younger than my actual age. Haaaaaaaaa I was like..jumping from cloud 9! We ended up with lotta girls talk and did a bit shop and eat from the exhibition stalls..and I just knew how shopper she was.. Promised to have another shop talks when time is permitted.

Now another geek things happening last weekend where I bump into a photography group over FB, uh yeahhh after deactivating my account for months I finally decided to be alive again ...lol...not necessarily because wanting to see friends...naaahhh. Mainly because I ve been joining this new groups happening to attrack my interest within my winky simply lonely life in the city... Well what happened next was, I met these two photographers, which later I found that they were such a pro..I feel sooooooooo smalll.... knowing I only play around with my Digi cam, which might look like a 'laazzyy photographer' as they were more into real things with Film camera. Now that I recall, I do have a film camera, which I guess is broken as I left it 'sleeping beauty' at my hometown for years... hardly ever touch it.. And I feel like wanting it more..
Well, despite the coffee chit chat thingies, we were driving happily over the town and found a hidden photo gallery in between the industrial area.  and owned by another pro photographer who was later showing some nude photos of his 'studio' creation..........wtf...The space in the city is so weirrd somehow... oooh note, i did not drive at all. I was sitting nicely on the back while these two folks argued over high tech of the gadget and photo things..which surely made me feel 'dumb' somehow.. ahh ignore, i dont really care anyhooo

Still, I feel there still so many space left over inside my head..which I still try to find out how to filled them up. In other word, I want to demolish this emptiness and tied up healthily..and happilyyyyyyy....

Lord knows, I surely need to be toughten up! Any ideas is more than welcome. Except advising eating more happy food, as chocolate and icecream.. I ve been eating them lods...and still craving for more... T_T


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