Bloating Tummy!

Aaarrgghh I wont say its embarassing, but its much more feel like discomfort things that I surely feel in the morning right after wake up. I feel that my tummy is bloating with gas and you may guess what happened next. Dont laughhh!!           

Lucky I am pretty productive in digesting as I manage to eat fiber as a vegie supplement each day. But I still have no idea why the after effect of this bloating things sometime brought over along the day. I might feel careless if no one around me as I might..he-he...quietly throw this gas out of nowhere.. yeaahh naturally indeed im gonna fart! satisfied? huhh i feel blushing of my own confession!

Is it because my body clock is changing and I hardly control what I eat as I never cook anymore since I move to this country? I missed my kitchen, I missed cooking and eat as many vegies as I could...

Seriously, I have no choice that to eat what the cafetaria food has to offered. And most of the time, my typical choice will be like this.. I pick  few pieces of wheat bread and slice cheese for breakfast or brunch snacks.. I sometime skip my lunch if I have afternoon duty for work and my dinner meal will be half plate of green salad with mayo and the rest I might fighting to eat chicken or meaty things on the table. Bear in mind, my teeth is so deary... its just incomplete for some reason. I have problem in chewing, guess its more like sensitive teeth.. I cant eat red meat that much as its will surely get hurt later that day after I eat them up. So my most choice will be white meat and vegies.. and honestly speaking Im not really into rice either. But this proper vegies is sooooo hard to find. That peeps looking down on my plate and saying 'r u on a diet?'. And I ended up with answering that I am actually half rabbit, I love vegies!!
Im not a healthy eater though, Cant resist myself for chocolate, ice cream, cheesy meals and pastries...ooooohhh they are my comforting and happy meal ever! If you are offering me a full plate of cheesecake, I wont be ashame to finish them on one strike and I dont bother if there is another plate of ice cream and choco.....hehe...

On a good note, Im a junkie of jogging and green tea! If I skipped them in a week, i might feel may see my shorty legs is rather like a runner legs..Ha-ha!

Noww..what caused this bloating tummy in the morning? the more I think about it, guess there is only two answer on top of my head... Either the food goes inside my tummy...or I unconciously open up my mouth while im sleeping that the gas continously goes in along with my breath.... Am I? I think its close..aahhhh whatever! I need a vacuum cleaner for this gas on my bloating tummy! me out.. '____'


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