Mind your own business Moron!


here we go again
it's been a while i haven't been able to scream and shitting people on the air
once in a blue moon, i might be quite a talkative pall

but by the time fly fast, i feel like talk nonsense is just wasting my energy

i prefer save it for another occasion which is proper to place my self as a 'marketer' or 'sales person' or mingling and shopwalk with people

lately i get nearly irritated by how a person involve himself into a pointless conversation on a pointless occasion.  well, it is not that i limit myself to socialize but, i feel like to many words and people talk rubbish make me dizzy enough to split my own words.

i amazed by how those people have energy to waste their thought minding somebody's else business. specially in a pointless conversation in the air. as sample, when a colleague talking about a thing, contemplated by another one, there is one in million person that have time for commenting each colleagues business. 

not once. 

nearly in every occasion. and the merrier conversations we have, the more this person speak. i felt like hitting my head on the nail.

goshhh...that's why i bound myself into those thingies. i better save my energy for something worth. 

might sound arrogant, but I dont like minding people business with such a pointless comment. and I dont care if they are talking nonsense about how arrogant I am behind my back. 

this is another negative things i dont respect in the country's culture. where one is -want-to-know- others business.

now i feel like shitting them in the air..... what a moron you are!!! 


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