Sunday's advice : Turn to Allah swt for purification

Salam everyone, this Sunday's reminiscing me of the old good and bad times. No such things as bad times though, both are equally blessing from Allah swt, Alhamdulillah..

I had a rad thought, of what's the use of trying to be a good Muslim hence there's time when I commit in sinning again and again. I came across this beautiful Ayah, Subhan'Allah there's so much to learn and I felt embarrassed. For every question  I asked, the answer is there in the noble Qur'an:

“Pardon them and overlook – Allah loves those who do good.” (Qur’an 5:13)

For every elements that has been written in the book, conspiring the universe to guide each one of us. Hence the world has distracted us away. Turn to Allah swt, for every shalat (prayer) and sujood you establish is a purifier for your heart. Fasting, zakat, sadaqa.. they're purifier.. 

Start to fill your heart with the love for Allah. Its a contentment and fulfillment you will never get from people. The most Merciful will always take care of you, even when you feel if the road has dead end. He will not neglect you, in your most downtime moment. Take baby steps. 

يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ
Oh turner of hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.
When your heart has hardened and you feel your life at zest. Slowly take time, talk to Allah swt, ask Him to let go of the resentment binds you down. For this world is temporary, inshaAllah we will find a way to turn our heart. I like the idea of washing heart with Sholat and warming the heart with Dzhikr.. 

'Call upon me and I will respond' 

Choose with whom you befriend, for you will become one of them. Be with people who would bring you closer to Allah swt and part with the haram life. Be brave, as you might have to cutting things off to avoid for moments. It's a positive way to encourage our heart, inshaAllah. 

The shining Light waiting for you to strengthen your hope, when we choose the straight Path we are helping many in the way that are doubting, we strengthen the bonds with those that follow our same Path, and we are able to shine stronger for those that still lost, insha´Allah

Look ahead with the lights in your eyes. Every breath is our opportunity to worship towrads Jannah.. 


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