Heyy Twenties Fellas

 - Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile - 
(Albert Eisntein)

As you grow older, and time passes by. Can you count how many friends that you actually count as real friend?  Its weird to think of back then, especially in the delinquent phase, as a chirpy teenager just constantly making friends everywhere. I called them BFF blahh blahh blahh club..  with them we even making an effort with sort of ‘tag identity’. We were designing cute jackets, or other fun stuffs that really describes us.  We did crazy stuffs, name it, skipping class, gossiping cute guy from next door class, mocking other girls, fancying young teachers that he or she might freaking out from teaching our class, etc. it was not that crazy though, compare to the teenagers do nowadays, it was so much fun,  we were carefree..

Things were eventually almost but slightly change as I entered college life. At least in a way you treat the ‘tag identity’ itself. With BFF at the college, the only thing I could remember is that we used to have ‘Sinner Book’. I know it sounds freak. We did write freak stuff on the book. We talk anything, everything, nonchalantly. But along the way, we just happened to ‘group’ ourselves in smaller BFF club. You just eventually find more in depth personality within the club with particular person. Who might last till now.. that you are still BFF-ing and talking various stuffs. Though the moment we have encountered right now might have changing drastically as we grow older. The way you see a particular issue, the way you react and how it would reflect your life at the end of the day.

Now as I am entering a world called twenties something life, we all swamped with work life. Or might even make friends and got engage with it. Its everyone’s choice though..

But truthfully speaking, I can’t really count how many friends are still staying in my life. They just instantly walk in and out of your life and its life my dear friend. Old friend, guess I still have few of them, which unfortunately you only occasionally communicating with.

I still talk to my parents; I know they will always be there at the end of the day. We just chat about weird stuff all over again. Without afraid being commented in a way when you are commenting someone’s status on Facebook. Ugh, I am not that cuppa tea fortunately. Not really into one of those pepa who love updating their status every 30 minutes.  

Frankly speaking, I speak more often with my internet friend, which is somehow very imaginative. Its my personal blog, where I can just sit, talk, being an unapologetic human being without prejudice. I could also make up story or drawing white lies..in the name of seeking a comforting word. Forgive me Lord..
And My cat, Moo-Moo, an imaginary cat which I have on my phone, a talking friend on my device, he never gave me solution. But just hearing his super silly voice echoing after me,  simply made me burst into laugh.
But most importantly,  the one that I seek, that I love, that I recall each time I need is always there. He never let me down and he won’t let me. Its You My Lord


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