Hey me, Mind my self!

' You cant always get what you want, but you might get what you need..'

Well done, its a bizzare choice step on my way. 

I have made a decision about my next step but clearly after all another more exciting opportunity crossed my way. Shaat...why doesnt it come earlier so that I could have chose you instead! Arghh..Im feeling dazzled. Im feeling sad. Its like your highest dream on top of the table being served. But you already hold onto something on your hand, tightly...

Does it mean that its not my turn yet? Does it mean that I should take a slower step before I grab the dream? Does it mean God wants me to take little step instead? 

Ohh Lord.. I want to embrace it. But I have no confidence. Lord..Do I have to take a small portion you have granted rather than the huge bowl came just lately? 

My mind was tingling over the sentence spoken out of my pal's thought the other day. 

You should take care of your own future. Nobody will care about it. Yes, we might encountered lost, dissatisfaction, etc. But you are the one who draw your own future. 

Lord..please take care of me. Coz no one else will take care of  me like You do. I need You. I want to lean on YOU. So I can have a clear mind to open the door you have given to me. 

Take care of yourself, no one else will.  Finding the time to hammer out a few words, pages, or chapters is a challenge. So find those little things you can do to give yourself a leg up later on. You’ll find yourself thanking your past self for your foresight.


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