Lil star

Hey Lil Star, I feel pretty exhausted for my current double jobs!
Ya know, double job doesnt mean double paid. It's so little ya know...Its just enough to breath and spend a lil for the weekend.

On a good note, I managed myself to start for my fave exercise, jogging and breeze walking in the morning. But lazy me, I tried to rake up earlier everyday by setting up a 6am alarm. But then after gathering my dreaming-pieces soul....thus, only by 7am i can start to walk down the road, passing by the hilly residence with faraway-sea distance.somehow I dont really like passing by a house next to my place where I live as its full of men waiting for a pick up car and they staring at me who wearing a rain coat - plus - big headset - and walk - pretending I am cool with that

Dogs! Gosh ..only God know how afraid Im with dogs, they always barking when strangers passing by. Lucky those dogs I always meet on the road recognize me so that my heart wont jump because of silly barks. 
I remember few days ago when I happily singin in my heart and pump my day with small jogging, a small tiny-ugly-black and brown- dog stare at me and barking loudly as if he ask me to go away. shoootttt.......I did not know how to manage it. my heart pumpin like hell... and its so irritating. Honestly I was afraid!!! he is small but frightening!
Enough bout dog stuffs! 
Back to my current life cycle story telling...

Well after working up till 6.30pm, I try to have a bite before going to another place again for teaching. I have two classes at the english course and a private class. 
I have to manage for preparing those materials and I sneak out take some time at the office. and I printing some materials at the office...lord must has been loved me so much to give me some ways and support what I do. 

Anyhooo...moreless, i get home like 10pm or something and it's makin my tummy hungry a lil bit. another bite for the soul before sleep and read my pending-novels that have been ages on my PC waiting to be explored...

I nearly finish my Shopaholic series and Paolo Coelho with HP are still waiting.....

Ah Lil Star..these days when I need a day to be more than 24hrs a day.....


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