Endah & Rhesa

What a late post! I watched this duo at the Benoa Harbour Jazz fest few months ago. Was honestly the first concert I have watched after yearsssss.. 

I managed to take a lazy shots and its one of my fave shot moments, as its one of the musicians favourite stage act. The duo play one guitar at the same time. And it was just smooth.. 

Endah N Rhesa was inspired to start playing in minimalist acoustic format. I just love the fact that Endah N Rhesa is actually a couple of husband and wife who created this band. This Indonesian duo pretty much produced chill out music and perhaps mellowly soothing. It's acoustic indie-pop that would perfectly fit to listen when you're at the beach or rainy night at your own bedroom.. you know one of those gloomy eve! . Most of their lovers do love "When You Love Someone", it really hit them I guess. Soft and simple guitar tunes blends lightly with Endah's melodic. Sweet vibe. Sweet couple. 


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